water damage mold

Water Damage Mold

water damage mold

Water Damage Mold

Mold is often stubborn and often reappears in the same place after a few weeks. This is because many do not know the causes and therefore do not fight the mold properly.


Water damage is one of the most common causes of mold in the house. The humid South Florida environment is an ideal growth environment for mold.


More than a cosmetic problem, mold can damage your home and contribute to health problems. Not all mold fungi are dangerous though, but most are. Hence, to make your home safe again, you need to identify the cause of the mold. Then, plan remediation immediately.


In the following, you’ll find more information about water damage mold and what to do about it.

Types of water damage that causes mold indoor

The most common sources of water damage mold are:


  • Penetrating rain on roofs
  • Floods after heavy rain
  • Pipe ruptures due to corrosion or the effects of frost
  • Broken sewer lines
  • Defective fittings
  • Burst washing machine or dishwasher hoses
  • Construction defects, leaks, and inadequate insulation
  • Extinguishing water

How dangerous is water damage mold?

In the tombs of the pharaohs, mold had proliferated over the millennia. The archaeologists examining the tombs unknowingly breathed in the poisonous fungal spores present in the air. Many fell ill and some died. That’s how dangerous molds can be.


Mold and mold spores are part of our environment and are involved in many organic decomposition processes. So in that sense, they are very useful. However, they can also affect human health if they proliferate and mold spores are inhaled.


Allergic reactions and an increased risk of respiratory diseases such as asthma and other respiratory infections can then occur. Additional symptoms such as fever, headaches, body aches, or concentration disorders can also occur as a result of increased exposure to mold.


Water damage mold does not only affect the health of the occupants of a building. It also affects the substance of a building.


Molds decompose organic materials such as wallpaper and wood. For example, if wood-destroying fungi attack supporting beams or the roof truss, a house can become uninhabitable in the worst case.

Common types of mold that water damage causes and how to identify them

Many different types of mold can take hold in your home due to water damage. We briefly introduce them to you here:

Black mold

Black mold is one of the best-known types of mold and is considered to be particularly aggressive and hazardous to health. The mold is black because the mold spores are very dark. Depending on the type of mold, black mold can be dry and powdery or slimy-gray.

White mold

White mold is less conspicuous, which is why it often goes unnoticed on light-colored walls for a long time and can initially spread unhindered. Only over time does it turn a little darker. If there are no obvious signs of mold, a musty smell can be the first clue that it is white mold.


A white fuzz can also form on the surface of potting soil if watered excessively.

Green mold

Green mold grows on food, and flowers, but also damp walls and ceilings. Wet rooms such as bathrooms and kitchens are particularly at risk, as are joints, and areas under floor coverings or behind wall cladding.


Where greenish mold has spread, it is not uncommon for other types of mold to be found. Although green mold is less harmful than black mold, it can still trigger allergies, asthma, or headaches.

Yellow mold

Yellow mold primarily affects starchy foods, but it can also appear on damp walls or damp potting soil. Also, this kind of mold is mostly found on greasy compost.

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Water damage mold often spreads in places that are not visible at first glance. So take a look here as well:


  • in cool corners of the room
  • behind furniture that is too close to the wall
  • in rooms where you hang out damp laundry to dry
  • around the window and on the lintel


No matter what type of water damage mold you discover, you should not remain idle. Remove it promptly so that it does not spread further.

Effective and Definitive Remedies for Water Damage Molds

On the internet, there are many articles on “home remedies for mold”. Those remedies are ineffective because they only clean the surface and neither kill the mold nor take it away completely. Not only that, if you use those remedies for water damage molds, the molds will keep coming back.


Even a professional biocide to disinfect mold requires many hours of treatment. Naturally, a little bleach or baking soda won’t be enough to get rid of mold.


How about anti-mold paints? They are also ineffective when it comes to mold removal. They are only good as preventive measures.

How do professionals remove water damage mold?

Once the source of the water damage mold and the extent of the mold infestation has been identified, the measure can be planned precisely.


Our company seals off the affected rooms from the other rooms so that they are airtight. A negative room air pressure is generated in the affected rooms and the mold infestation is eliminated.


The infested room is then thoroughly cleaned, infested surfaces are disinfected with powerful chemicals, and everything contaminated with mold spores is finely cleaned.


Afterward, plaster, wallpaper, and flooring can be rebuilt and finely cleaned furniture and inventory can be put back.


Note: If you try to remove the mold yourself, you can do a lot wrong and put yourself in danger. That’s because you don’t have access to the same safety equipment that professionals use. Also, you don’t have the same technological know-how as experts.

How to prevent water damage mold

A water damage event is a perfect breeding ground for mold. It is therefore important to avoid them as much as possible. You should pay attention to a few things, as we explain below.

Construction defects and damage

New buildings must dry out well before they can be occupied. Technical drying devices can support this. If the walls are not sufficiently dry, they form the basis for mold growth for years to come.


In the case of older buildings, it is important to check whether there is any damage to the structure that could lead to water ingress. For example:


  • Slipped roof tiles
  • Damaged connection plates on the chimney or roof area windows
  • Plaster cracks in the outer wall
  • Leaky joints
  • Leaks in the water pipes
  • Leaky or clogged gutters and downspouts

In the rooms

Take the following measures:


  • Ventilate after cooking or showering
  • Depending on the living situation, the room should be aired three to four times a day for several minutes
  • The laundry should be dry inside if possible. If there is no other way, it must always be well ventilated
  • Furniture should not be placed directly against the wall. A distance of about five inches is ideal so that the air can circulate behind it.


Water damage mold is not an emergency for many people. However, if you have a health condition that puts you at greater risk of complications; and you believe you are experiencing symptoms of a mold-related infection, you should consult a mold remediation company for removal and treatment.


South Florida Water and Mold Remediation